Monday, August 1, 2011

8 Dollars a Jar

I felt my oil practice need to start from scratch, so I'm gonna concentrate on doing some simple geometries.

This is a trusty brand of tomato sauce that I buy from WholeFoods. It wasn't my first choice in the beginning cause I was loyal to another brand that they stopped carrying one day and with a sigh I realized that anything and everything in life eventually will be obsolete so I might as will give other brands a try. Now I switched to this brand and I couldn't even remember what my previous favourite was. What a cold blooded heartless consumer I am!

I heard the other day that 'blogs' are very old school now, that nobody haves blogs anymore. I guess as we get older I have to get used to things I consider as current being laughed at by the next generation. My Kindle is already outdated, I don't use a smart phone, and the west coast swing steps I learned are considered old and not taught anymore.... and I'm late for the Early Bird special at Denny's!


Alexiev said...

Good oleo... Beatifull glasses...

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

Proyectos - Illustrations

Alexiev Store - venta de originales

@alexievg en twitter

emily said...

i think a lot of people still use blogs. i don't even have one, so you're already way ahead of me. even my mom has one! i also think it's wise not to jump on the bandwagon too soon because a lot of ideas/products are only popular for a short time. just think of all that money that you are saving by not buying them! that money could be used towards some cadmium red medium...i almost fainted when i saw the price tag for a small 5oz tube ($25)

Kate said...

yup, good paints are super expensive. but not as expensive as texturing and compositing softwares...they're like 4 grand, each. No one sane would afford them. So if your artistic endeavors didn't turn out to be profitable, consider marrying rich.

emily said...

i think i might consider that anyway :)